Gilneas -> Darkshore -> Ashenvale -> Stonetalon Mountains -> Desolace -> Feralas -> Thousand Needles -> Felwood -> Winterspring -> Silithus / Mount Hyjal -> Deepholm -> Uldum -> Twilight Highlands. Teldrassil -> Darkshore -> Ashenvale -> Stonetalon Mountains -> Desolace -> Feralas -> Thousand Needles -> Felwood -> Winterspring -> Silithus.Īzuremyst Isle -> Bloodmyst Isle -> Hellfire Peninsula -> Zangarmarsh -> Nagrand -> Terokkar Forest -> Shadowmoon Valley / Shadowmoon Valley -> Gorgrond -> Talador -> Spires of Arak -> Nagrand. Gnome starting experience -> same as Dwarf.

Take the road east and follow it into Redridge Mountains.Now that you can choose where you want to level in, where do you think each race should do it, lore wise? (1-50)Įlwynn Forest -> Westfall -> Redridge Mountains -> Duskwood -> Northern Stranglethorn -> Cape of Stranglethorn -> Western Plaguelands -> Eastern Plaguelands -> Badlands -> Searing Gorge -> Burning Steppes -> Swamp of Sorrows -> Blasted Lands.ĭwarf starting experience -> Dun Morogh -> Loch Modan -> Wetlands -> Arathi Highlands -> Hinterlands -> Western Plaguelands -> Eastern Plaguelands -> Badlands -> Searing Gorge -> Burning Steppes -> Swamp of Sorrows -> Blasted Lands.

Ride out of Stormwind’s main gate and head south to Goldshire. The ground route from Stormwind is a little convoluted though there is no straight road leading directly to Badlands from Stormwind. The Alliance have no base here, their closest settlement and flight path is Thelsamar in Loch Modan. A Horde flight master (Gorrik) can be found in Kargath, which is the Horde encampment in the zone. The entrance to Badlands is at about 47, 78 in southern Loch Modan. How do I get to the Badlands in WOW Classic? if your horde, go from orgrimmar too grom gol then travel through stranglethorn vale. If your alliance, travel through from ironforge into dun morgh too loch modan and then you enter badlands.

Is there a zeppelin to Thunder Bluff in classic WoW?.How do I get to Badlands from Searing Gorge horde?.